
Make your classroom interactive and fun with digital contents.

The current situation demands an education revolution. To address the need, Braindigit in association with Neema Education Foundation has launched "Neemacademy", an innovative digital learning platform for future leaders.


Online Education: The Future is Now

Digital learning does not only grant additional knowledge access for students but also ensures the information it provides is customizable and suits the needs of the students. We provide a personalized learning platform by cashing in on the benefits of digital learning to allow students to learn at a comfortable pace.

We have been working to digitize the Nepali education system with our innovative eLearning platform -- “Neemacademy”. 


What are we doing in Edtech industry?

We are forefront leaders in providing digital contents to schools all over Nepal. With the introduction of Neemacademy, our digital venture looks to improve the standard of education by making learning more accessible, fun, and innovative.

Secure Easy Access to Education

We connect students with teachers and education institutes through the Neemacademy app. Our app has a wide range of learning materials for school students of all levels. Users can easily access their required content by registering to Neemacademy from their smart devices or personal computer.

Digitizing Learning Experience

By digitizing education, our learning platform makes learning fun and at the same helps both teachers and students keep track of their progress. Our learning application drives the interest of students by engaging in digital content. Also, both students and teachers can view individual progress and personalize their study plan as per their need.

Contributing to Sustainable Development Goals

Neemacademy lays the foundation to help achieve Sustainable Development Goals by making education inclusive to all. Our digital platform eliminates gender disparities in education and secures equal access to education to all levels. In the coming days, we also plan to include diverse training including technical, vocational, and tertiary education for the all-round development of the community.

Increasing the quality of education

Our quest to increase the quality of education starts by revolutionizing the existing system. We merge theoretical and practical knowledge in our curriculum. This makes students exam-ready and also prepares them for practical situations in real-life.

Providing LMS platform to educators

Educators need to personalize lessons to cater to the entire class. With our learning management system, teachers can assess the performance of each student. Doing so allows teachers to prepare a personalized lesson plan for students to help overcome their weaknesses.

Creating data driven digital contents

Our learning application allows educators to create an analytic strategy to develop a highly-targeted curriculum. Teachers can find data from the students' dashboard and strategize a learning system that is more effective than the conventional content. A data-driven curriculum piques the interest of students and encourages them to perform well in their academics.

Digitizing education sector in collaboration with Neema Education Foundation

Neema Education Foundation (NEF) is a Nepali edtech startup formed in 2018 to improve the existing education system. Our foundation comprises academicians and educators with over 30 years of experience in the Nepali education sector.

Considering the need to upgrade the conventional learning method in Nepal, we aim to create a digital impact in the existing education system combining our industry expertise with modern technologies. Aiding our attempt, our e-learning platform, Neemacademy produces innovative learning solutions in a fun and interactive environment. It introduces blended learning technology, providing theoretical knowledge with practical and example based education.


Our mission to digitize education system of Nepal is taking shape with collaboration with Braindigit. We are able to give our 100% focus on creating digital content without any worry on the platform and technical infrastructure. 


Neiha Joshi

COO, Neema Education Foundation 

We are Open for Collaboration

We call upon educators, authors, and freelance tutors to collaborate with us. By being a part of our network, you can benefit by extending your reach as you present your content among students, educational institutions all over the country.


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